Weekend Retreat – Fall 2024

Courageous Hearts, Radiant Minds — Finding Grace in the Muck

with Jon Aaron

November 1-3, 2024
Loyola Retreat House
Clinton, OH

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In this weekend retreat, held in noble silence, we will tap into our capacity to turn toward what is difficult with grace and courage. Opening to boundless love as personified by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas we can be touched by grace and can then offer it to others as a gift of courage. We are all potential Bodhisattvas, and through formal and informal practice including chanting we can unlock this capacity and bring more grace into this world so worthy of rescue.

The Clearing
Martha Postlewaite

Do not try to save
the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
Instead, create
a clearing
in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song
that is your life
falls into your own cupped hands
and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know
how to give yourself
to this world
so worthy of rescue.

If you have questions about the retreat experience, see our Retreat FAQ. Still have questions? Contact the retreat manager.

Jon Aaron’s Dharma home is New York Insight Meditation Center, where he teaches Buddhadharma and MBSR. He is also the co-guiding teacher of the Makom Havurah at the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan. Jon is a Certified MBSR Teacher and Teacher Trainer, supporting and mentoring MBSR teachers-in-training across the US, Europe, and Asia. As a Somatic Experience Practitioner®, he is particularly interested in somatic approaches to healing grief and trauma. You can find Jon in weekly conversation with his friend Doug Smith on the Diggin’ the Dharma podcast.

When the pandemic hit New York City, Jon and his partner Upayadhi co-founded Space2Meditate, which offers on-line meditation sessions six days a week, and is still going strong. It has organically grown into a non-denominational mindfulness community, with a taste for poetry as an aid to practice.

More about Jon can be found at JonAaron.net.


In keeping with ancient tradition, the teachings of the Buddha are offered freely—the teachers receive no compensation from IM Cleveland for teaching, but rely on dana (generosity) of their students. At retreat’s end, students have an opportunity to practice dana by offering contributions to the teacher. 

Cancelation policy: We will provide a refund minus a $25 cancelation fee for cancelations before October 11. After that time we cannot provide a refund except in the case of communicable illness.