Day-long retreat with Susan Weir

The Map of Realization

February 17, 2024
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Southwest UU Church
6320 Royalton Rd
North Royalton, OH 44133

Pack a lunch and join us for this day of sitting and walking meditation and exploration of the Dharma.

Sorry, the retreat is full. Join the waiting list.

The default in life is to look to external things: relationships, circumstances, family, work, health, thoughts, opinions and beliefs, to bring us peace and happiness. We look to the outside for happiness. When this fails, the search for a path, a spiritual path out of suffering, often begins.

The word ‘path’ implies we need to travel, to be somewhere different than where we are. We usually come to a spiritual practice with this idea that we need to be somewhere else, to be someone else, someone more perfected, in order to be happy. In many ways, the spiritual work is to drop this deep conditioning of searching and realize everything we need has been there all along. It’s been so close to us that we have missed it.

And yet nothing that we have done or tried is wasted. All is exactly well. 

As we release this process of searching we start to come home to ourselves. Creating a map from where this journey starts, the realizations that build along the way through insight practice, and the stepping out of the seemingly separate self can wake us up to the end of searching.

In a one day format, we’ll start at the beginning of practice, review the insights along the way, find the places where practice lineage changes, and come to the direct path of seeing our true nature. 

Susan Weir has been teaching Insight Meditation classes and retreats since 1999. Her background includes Gurdjieff, Zen, and Insight Meditation (Vipasssana). Teachers of influences have been Samu Sunim, Barbara Brodsky, Joseph Goldstein, Matthew Flickstein and Adyashanti. Her mentors have included Loren Cruden and Stephen Bodian. She currently studies with Rupert Spira. Susan became the founding teacher of Insight Meditation Ann Arbor in 2012.


The retreat is full. If you would like to be put on a waiting list, please fill out the form below. We will contact you via email if a space opens up.

Registration is on a sliding scale (Benefactor: $40, Supporter: $30, Base: $20). Limited scholarships are available. Your registration fee will go to support IM Cleveland and Southwest UU Church. 

In keeping with ancient tradition, the teachings of the Buddha are offered freely—the teachers receive no compensation from IM Cleveland for teaching, but rely on dana (generosity) of their students. At retreat’s end, students have an opportunity to practice dana by offering contributions to the teacher. 

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